Archive for the ‘politics’ Tag

Karadzic goes down…

… and Serbia gets a good boost to its bid for EU membership, and a shift in political momentum, I suspect. About time, we all chorus! Now hand over Mladic.

And let’s not pretend this capture couldn’t have been made years ago. The political will to make it happen has been a long time coming.

Karadzic perpetrated and incited great evil. Srebrenica. Sarajevo. Gorazde (and other ‘safe havens’). I can’t even list them all. I am only just hearing this news today, not having seen a newspaper (in Italian or in English) for the last couple of days. Sorry to interrupt my commentary on the ISME conference – but this is too significant an event to let pass without comment.

Here is an image of the cemetery at Alifakovac in Sarajevo, that I took in December last year. Of course, this cemetery filled up within weeks during the siege of Sarajevo – the sight of football field turned into a graveyard is one of the more stark images that we in Australia saw.

“We love politics” – Democrats Abroad

Saturday night I had the chance to take part in something quite interesting. A friend of CP’s was hosting a meeting of the Paris chapter of Democrats Abroad, and invited him and his guests to come along. We would get to take part in a teleconference involving five different cities in Europe and the States, talking with Barack Obama’s sister, who is just getting involved in his campaign to be nominated as the Democrats’ Presidential candidate.

The evening was in fact a fundraiser and a way to urge local Americans to get involved in the political process and vote in the primary, hopefully getting behind Obama.

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